Xin TAN   (谭  鑫)


Research Professor (Zijiang Young Scholar), Assistant to the Dean of
School of Computer Science and Technology,
East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China

Email: xtan AT
Office: 615B, Science Building, 3663 Zhongshan North Road
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News News Section with Scrollbar
[2025-02-01] Two papers are accepted to CVPR 2025.
[2025-02-01] I am promoted to Research Professor (Zijiang Young Scholar), equivalent to Pre-tenure Professor.
[2025-01-25] One paper is accepted to TITS.
[2025-01-20] I am selected into Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST, nominated by China Graphics Society (CGS) (第十届中国科协青年人才托举工程) .
[2024-12-10] Two papers are accepted to AAAI 2025.
[2024-11-22] I won the 2024 CSIG Excellent Doctoral Dissertation (2024年度中国图象图形学学会博士学位论文激励计划).
[2024-11-21] One paper is accepted to TMM.
[2024-10-26] I won the 2023 CCF-Tencent Rhino-Bird Fund Excellent Project (2023年度CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟基金优秀项目) .
[2024-09-28] One paper is accepted to NeurIPS!
[2024-08-22] One paper is accepted to IEEE TPAMI!
[2024-06-12] I have one paper (PIG) accepted to IEEE TIP. This is my third paper for night-time scene segmentation accepted by TIP.
[2024-05-16] One paper is accepted to ACL 2024!
[2024-04-15] I am invited to serve as the Associate Editor (AE) of Pattern Recognition (PR).
[2024-02-27] Four papers are accepted to CVPR 2024!
[2024-02-21] One paper is accepted to IEEE TIP! This is the second paper accepted by IEEE TIP this month.
[2024-02-07] One paper is accepted to IEEE TIP!
[2024-01-17] One paper is accepted to ICLR 2024 spotlight (5% acceptance rate)!
[2024-01-12] The course Digital Logic Circuit I teach is awarded as the most popular course for students.
[2024-01-01] One paper is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII).
[2023-12-09] Four papers are accepted to AAAI 2024!
[2023-12-08] I am granted by the Chenguang Program of Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (上海市晨光计划).
[2023-12-02] I share a talk at the forum of 2023 Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR 2023).
[2023-12-01] I share a talk at China University of Mining and Technology.
[2023-11-05] I am invited to serve as the Associate Editor (AE) of The Visual Computer.
[2023-10-26] One paper is accepted to Computational Visual Media.
[2023-09-28] One paper is accepted to Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics (in Chinese).
[2023-09-23] One paper is accepted to IEEE TPAMI!
[2023-09-18] Our paper Mirror Detection with the Visual Chirality Cue becomes an ESI Highly Cited paper.
[2023-08-24] I am granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金青年基金).
[2023-07-31] I am granted by the CCF-Tencent Rhino-Bird Young Faculty Open Research Fund (CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟基金).
[2023-07-25] One paper is accepted to ACM MM 2023.
[2023-07-18] One paper is accepted to ICCV 2023.
[2023-05-27] I am granted by the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing, China (重庆市自然基金面上项目).
[2023-05-17] I share a talk about 3D point cloud at the forum of 2023 Chinese Congress on Image and Graphics (CCIG 2023).
[2023-04-05] I have one paper accepted to IEEE TIP. This is another important paper for night-time scene segmentation.
[2023-03-31] I am granted by the 2023 open project from Shanghai Key Laboratory of Computer Software Testing & Evaluating (2023年上海市计算机软件评测重点实验室开放课题).
[2023-02-28] I have four papers accepted to CVPR 2023.
[2023-02-10] I am granted by the Shanghai Sailing Program (上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划资助项目).
[2022-08-20] I share a talk about autonomous driving at the forum of 2022 Chinese Congress on Image and Graphics (CCIG 2022).
[2022-08-11] I am awarded the Second Prize for Progress in Science and Technology by the China Association For GIS.
[2022-07-12] I join East China Normal University as an Associate Research Professor.
[2022-07-10] One paper is accepted to ECCV 2022.
Opening positions
I am looking for self-motivated master and undergraduate students to work with me at ECNU! If you are interested in computer vision and want to join us, please send me your CV via email.
[2024-08-09] 团队开始招收2025年通过9月推免生考核入学的推免硕士生/直博生,欢迎感兴趣的考生与我联系。
[2024-08-01] 团队有多个2025年秋入学的博士名额(合作导师:马利庄教授、谢源教授),可以招收直博生或者普博生,欢迎咨询。
[2024-05-01] 团队开始招收2025年通过夏令营入学的推免硕士生,欢迎感兴趣的考生与我联系。


Dr. Xin Tan is the Research Professor (Zijiang Young Scholar) with School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University, China. Before that, he was the Associate Research Professor at ECNU. He is a member of Digital Media and Computer Vision Laboratory, the SJTU-ECNU joint lab led by Prof. Lizhuang Ma. He received his dual Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China and City University of Hong Kong, China in 2022. His Ph.D. advisor is Prof. Lizhuang Ma (SJTU), and Prof. Rynson Lau (CityU). He received his B.Eng degree and B.BM degree from Chongqing University, China, in 2017. He also closely works with Prof. Yuan Xie. His research interests include computer vision and pattern recognition.

Research Fundings  

I appreciate the organizations listed below for the sponsorship to my research.